Meskel 2019

መስቀል The Finding of the True Cross (Meskel in Minnesota)
September 28, 2019 @ 3pm
Park and use the shuttle service from K-Mart:
245 Maryland Ave. E
Saint Paul, MN 55117
1. Please don’t walk on the golf course. It is a safety issue for you and your family.
2. Please don’t park illegally. The park will enforce all parking rules.
3. Please plan ahead and arrive at K-Mart early enough so that you will be able to participate in the event without any concern.
4. በኢትዮጵያዊና በክርስቲያናዊ ትህትና አስተናጋጆች እና ስርዓት አስከባሪዎች የሚሰጡትን መመሪያ እንከተል::
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